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What are Inorganic Salts

Inorganic salt (mineral salt) is the salt of inorganic compound, formerly known as mineral, it generally only accounts for 1% to 1.5% of the fresh weight in biological cells. More than 20 kinds have been found in the human body, among which a large number of elements are calcium Ca, phosphorus P , Potassium K, sulfur S, sodium Na, chlorine Cl, magnesium Mg, trace elements include iron Fe, zinc Zn, selenium Se, molybdenum Mo, fluorine F, chromium Cr, cobalt Co, iodine I and so on.

Although the content of inorganic salt in cells and human body is very low, it has a great effect. If you pay attention to diet diversification, eat less animal fat, eat more coarse grains such as brown rice and corn, and do not consume too much refined flour to make the body inorganic The salt maintains its normal level.

Inorganic Salts Examples

  • Calcium: dairy products and green leafy vegetables
  • Magnesium: nuts, soybeans, edible salt, milk, spinach
  • Potassium: legumes, all grains and bananas
  • Chlorine: Edible salt is the main dietary source of chlorine
  • Sulfur: meat, eggs and beans
  • Iron: red meat, leafy vegetables (especially spinach)

Many studies have pointed out that human beings can often benefit from the supplement of inorganic salt. Vitamins and inorganic salts are interdependent and need to exist with each other to achieve full benefits; using only comprehensive vitamins without inorganic salts is hardly more effective than using one vitamin and inorganic salt at the same time. Extensive university studies have also shown that the most biocompatible form of supplementing inorganic salt is chelated inorganic salt (one linked to a special size amino acid).

inorganic salt

The Main Elements of Inorganic Salts

无机盐是我存在的矿物营养素n the body and food. Most inorganic salt in cells exist in the form of ions, which are composed of organic and inorganic substances. The human body has been found to have more than 20 kinds of essential inorganic salts, accounting for about 4 to 5% of the body’s weight. Among them, there are seven kinds of calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, chlorine, magnesium, and sulfur that are more content (>5g); the daily dietary requirements are more than 100mg, which are called macro elements. Others have low content. With the advancement of modern analytical techniques, trace analysis methods such as atomic absorption spectroscopy, neutron activation, and plasma emission spectroscopy have been used to discover iron, iodine, copper, zinc, manganese, cobalt, molybdenum, selenium, Chromium, nickel, silicon, fluorine, vanadium and other elements are also necessary for the human body, and the daily dietary requirement of μg~mg is called trace element.

Sodium is the main component of table salt. The appropriate daily intake of sodium for adults over 18 years of age is 2.2 grams, and the elderly should eat light food. Sodium is commonly found in various foods. The main sources of human sodium are salt, soy sauce, pickled foods, smoked foods, salty foods and so on.

Calcium is an important part of bones and teeth. Calcium deficiency can cause osteomalacia, osteoporosis, etc., as well as convulsions. The appropriate daily calcium intake for adults aged 18-50 is 800 mg; for middle-aged and elderly people after the age of 50, it is 1000 mg. Common calcium-rich foods include milk, yogurt, oatmeal, sea cucumber, shrimp skin, wheat, soy flour, soy products, golden needles, etc.

Magnesium is an element necessary to maintain the structure and function of bone cells. Magnesium deficiency can cause nervousness, emotional instability, and muscle tremor. The appropriate daily intake of magnesium for adults over 18 years of age is 350 mg. Common magnesium-rich foods are fresh green leafy vegetables, nuts, and whole grains (magnesium ions are also an essential component of chlorophyll molecules).

Phosphorus is an important part of bones and teeth. Severe phosphorus deficiency can lead to anorexia and anemia. The appropriate daily intake of phosphorus for adults over 18 years of age is 700 mg. Common phosphorus-containing foods are lean meat, eggs, milk, organ meats, kelp, peanuts, nuts, and whole grains.

Iron is the most abundant trace element in the human body. Iron is closely related to the life and health of the human body. Iron deficiency can lead to iron deficiency anemia and decreased immunity. The appropriate daily intake of iron for men or women over 50 years of age is 715 mg. Common iron-rich foods are animal liver, kidney, caviar, lean meat, potatoes, wheat bran, and dates.

Iodine is a component of thyroid hormones. Iodine deficiency can lead to idiotism, goiter enlargement in children and adults. The appropriate daily intake of iodine for adults over 18 years of age is 0.15 mg. Common iodine-rich foods are seafood, such as kelp, seaweed, scallops, and sea cucumbers. Residents in coastal areas often eat seafood and residents in inland areas eat iodized salt is the most economical, convenient and effective way to ensure the balance of iodine metabolism.

Zinc has the effect of promoting growth and development. Zinc deficiency in children can lead to poor growth and development; zinc deficiency in pregnant women can lead to poor brain development and mental retardation in babies, even if zinc supplementation after birth is of no avail. The appropriate daily zinc intake for adult men is 15.5 mg, and the appropriate daily zinc intake for adult women is 11.5 mg. Common zinc-rich foods are liver, meat, eggs, and oysters.

Copper has an activating effect on the formation of hemoglobin, promotes the absorption and utilization of iron, and is of great significance in transferring electrons, elastin synthesis, connective tissue metabolism, purine metabolism, phospholipid and nerve tissue formation. Copper has a high content in animal liver, kidney, fish, shrimp, and clams; there is also a certain content in fruit juice and brown sugar. Copper deficiency may cause coronary heart disease. The most common clinical manifestations of anemia are dizziness, fatigue, fatigue, tinnitus, and vertigo. Skin mucous membranes and nails are pale in color, and feel short of breath and heart palpitations after physical activity. In severe anemia, shortness of breath and heart palpitations occur even at rest, and soft systolic murmurs can be heard at the apex and bottom of the heart. Bone changes, clinical manifestations of osteoporosis, easy to fracture.

The Role of Inorganic Salts

  1. The distribution of inorganic salt in the body is extremely uneven. For example, calcium and phosphorus are mostly in hard tissues such as bones and teeth. Iron is concentrated in red blood cells, iodine is concentrated in thyroid, barium is concentrated in adipose tissue, cobalt is concentrated in hematopoietic organs, and zinc is concentrated in muscle tissue.
  2. Inorganic salts are very important to the structure of tissues and cells. Hard tissues such as bones and teeth are mostly composed of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, while soft tissues contain more potassium. Inorganic salt ions in body fluids regulate the permeability of cell membranes, control water content, maintain normal osmotic pressure and acid-base balance, help transport common elements to the whole body, and participate in nerve activity and muscle contraction. Some are inorganic or organic compounds to form prosthetic groups of enzymes, hormones, vitamins, protein and nucleic acid components, or as activators of multiple enzyme systems, and participate in many important physiological functions. For example: keep the heart and brain active, help the formation of antibodies, and play a beneficial role in the human body.
  3. Due to metabolism, a certain amount of inorganic salt is excreted from the body through various ways every day, so it must be supplemented through diet. The metabolism of inorganic salt can be judged by analyzing the concentration in blood, hair, urine or tissues. The effects of inorganic salt in the human body are interrelated. The appropriate concentration range is beneficial to the health of humans, animals and plants. Lack or excess can cause disease, and disease affects its metabolism, often increasing its consumption. Deficiencies of calcium, iron and iodine are more common in our country. Selenium, fluorine, etc. vary with the geochemical environment, including deficiency diseases such as Keshan disease, Kashin-Beck disease, and dirty teeth, as well as hyperplasia such as skeletal fluorosis and selenium poisoning.
  4. It is to maintain the acid-base balance in the cell, adjust the osmotic pressure, and maintain the shape and function of the cell. Such as: calcium ions and potassium ions in the blood.
  5. It is to maintain the life activities of the organism. For example, magnesium ion is the activator of ATPase, and chloride ion is the activator of saliva enzyme.

Function of Inorganic Salt

  1. Inorganic salt is the structural component of the cell.
    Some inorganic salts are an important part of some complex compounds in cells.
    Examples: Mg2+ is an essential component of chlorophyll molecules; Fe2+ is the main component of hemoglobin; calcium carbonate is an important component in bones and teeth of animals and humans.
  2. Inorganic salt participate in and maintain the metabolic activities of organisms.
    例如:哺乳动物必须包含一个certa的血in amount of Ca2+. If the content of calcium in the blood of a certain animal is too low, convulsions will occur. Ca2+ is also very important for blood coagulation. Without Ca2+, blood cannot be coagulated. The inorganic salt ions in the organism must maintain a certain proportion, which is very important to maintain the osmotic pressure and acid-base balance of the cells, and is a necessary condition for the organism to carry out normal life activities. For example, HCO3- plays an important role in maintaining normal blood and pH. There are the most enzymes containing Zn, and the activity of more than 70 enzymes is related to Zn. Co is an essential component of vitamin B12 and participates in the process of nucleic acid synthesis.
  3. Inorganic salt maintain the acid-base balance in the organism.
  4. Inorganic salt maintain the osmotic pressure of cells. It is especially important for plants to absorb nutrients.